End of Grant Report

Peacock Foundation, Inc. relies on grantees’ evaluations to determine that it is a responsible steward of philanthropic funds. The decision-making process, grantmaking programs, and grant management depend largely on the end of grant reports of the nonprofits in which Peacock Foundation, Inc. has invested.

The end of grant report should be an objective analysis that combines quantitative and qualitative measures. Numbers and statistics can be meaningless without comparisons or context; sharing only the affirmative stories without including the challenges and even failures can be misleading. All factors that may have contributed to outcomes-positive or negative-should be detailed.

End of Grant Report submitted online by an appropriate contact of your organization, should include:


a narrative account of what was accomplished by the expenditure of funds, including a description of progress made toward achieving the outcomes of the grant;


a financial accounting, according to the line-item categories of the approved budget in the proposal, certified by the responsible financial officer of the organization, as well as the annual audited financial statements;


samples of any publications produced through the grant funds; and


particularly effective strategies which can be replicated by the grantee or other organizations, including any problems encountered.

Once reviewed by Foundation staff, end of grant reports are presented to and discussed with the Board of Directors. New proposals from an organization will not be accepted until the financial accounting and narrative reports-as required in the grant agreement-have been submitted.

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