

The Board of Peacock Foundation, Inc. meets four times per year to review grant proposals and evaluation reports. It is only through strong partnerships with our grantees that Peacock Foundation, Inc. may accomplish its mission to serve our beloved community. Working together in relationships of trust ensures the achievement of our shared goals.

Although multi-year grants are made in special cases, our support should not be viewed as a continuing source of funds. The Foundation receives many more requests than available funds to distribute in any one fiscal year.

Peacock Foundation, Inc. supports specific projects and general operations in these interest areas:

Human Services





People with Disabilities

Arts for Educational Purposes

Environmental Education

Peacock Foundation, Inc. does not fund:

capital campaigns, construction, or renovation projects

deficit financing or debt reduction

conferences or festivals

fundraising events or advertising

special events or athletic events


lobbying to influence legislation

religious organizations, unless engaged in a significant project benefiting the entire community

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